Bishop's Day with Confirmands
We have a great opportunity to let our confirmation aged youth (6th-8th grade, and any other youth who haven't been confirmed) to meet the bishop. Saturday, March 11 from 9:30 to 3pm, Bishop Charles Crutchfield will be joined by recording artist Matt Neely at St. James UMC in Little Rock to have a retreat with confirmands from all over the conference. If you are interested in attending, give us an email at There will be time with the bishop, interactive stories and song, and a gameshow based on our Wesleyan heritage.
What is confirmation? It is a process of discovery and claiming the name "Christian" for young people who are approaching the period of life when they begin to make decisions for themselves. Confirmation will begin in our church on March 5 at the Sunday small group hour of 9:45. Youth who are interested will covenant to be there for a time of discussion about the nature of our faith with the pastor and other leaders of the church.
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