Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Vision for the Future!

On September 15, 2007, JoAnn Black and Ann Crossett attended a workshop sponsored by First United Methodist Church in Springdale entitled, "Children's Ministry for a New Generation." One segment, hosted by Chris Dodson, Doug Reeves and Ken Whelan, spoke on "Technology on a Budget" and the process of setting up a computer lab for children.
We all know that today's generation of young people are very technologically minded and utilize computers in many aspects of their education, as well as their recreation time. The goal of a computer lab is to provide an additional tool to teach children about God's Word in a way that makes it fun and interesting.
So how do we get started? We are asking the congregation for your help! If you have recently upgraded your computer system, but your old computer is still relatively current (Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98 Second Edition, PII 650 or higher, 17" or larger monitor), think about donating it to the church. If you have no idea what system you have or whether it would be suitable, please contact Roger Simon at with any questions or concerns. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please earmark the donated funds for "new PC purchases."
The vision for the church is 4 computers with monitors, printer, and hub. If purchased new the cost would be around $2700.
Please prayerfully consider this request.


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